What Were You Thinking?

Rev. Liza Marquez


What if you could only experience one belief, one thought, one prevailing feeling, and have that be what informs the rest of your existence here on earth? Would you enjoy seeing your current frame of mind be the template by which the rest of your life is lived? Or would you make a different choice about your present state of being? And, if a different choice is to be made, are you clear about what mindset you select for yourself?

According to author and international speaker, Dr. Joe Dispenza, we have anywhere from 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day. And, of those thousands of thoughts running through our mind daily, 90% are the same thoughts we experienced yesterday, and the day before that and the day before that one…NINETY PERCENT! And, if that’s not jolting information, here is an added layer, research done by the National Science Foundation discovered that 80% of our thoughts are negative in scope…EIGHTY PERCENT! What are you (re)thinking, now?

The truth is, as dour as this information may seem, it is meant to bring awareness to how unaware much of the population is about what they are predominantly thinking. In essence, as we move through our daily life by rote, not giving much attention to our thoughts, it is as though we are living life guided mainly by one belief, thought or prevailing feeling. Ernest Holmes wrote in How to Change Your Life

There is a Law of Mind that follows the pattern of our thoughts.”  

If you want to know what your pattern of thought is, just take a look at your life. Do you like what you have created based on your beliefs, thoughts and feelings?

In The Edinburgh Lectures, Thomas Troward wrote: “Trained thought is far more powerful than untrained trained thought,” because he knew back in 1909 what has been proven time and again through science and spirituality today: our thoughts and beliefs are both powerful and creative. If we want to be more directive with our life, it behooves us to know the dynamic energy of our mind.  

So, how can we ensure that we are creating what we are desiring? It begins with being present in the present moment.

When we practice being in the present moment, we feel our connectedness AS the Divine Mind, AS God. It is the same Source that Jesus spoke of when he said, “My Father and I are One.” 

It is the same connectedness that the quantum physicists describe as living in the field of pure potential. When we understand that we live in a Conscious Universe, a Unifying Field of Energy, that just creates and does so through us because IT IS US, we understand that we are constantly creating from this Universe/Field that only says yes, and it’s saying yes to our energy, our thoughts, and beliefs. It is only when we are still and present that we not only have access to knowing this, but also to embodying It…the I AM that I AM.  And isn’t that the place to live and create from?

If you are going to live one belief, one thought, one prevailing feeling, let it be KNOWING who you are…and you are Greatness On Demand, YOU ARE GOD!


What’s Right With This Picture?

