In My Skin

Dr. James Mellon


There is a quote in the Bible that reads: “Prove me now herewith, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” I’ve always loved that quote as it has to do with prosperity and giving and receiving. It asks us to have faith in our supply and to trust enough to give of what we have to keep the flow of prosperity in its natural order.

Now, for some, this can seem like a line used by a huckster to induce giving from a place of expecting a windfall. Kind of like Harold Hill in the musical, “The Music Man.” Sell ‘em what you don’t have and then skip town before you have to fulfill the order. The problem with Harold Hill was he didn’t realize that the very thing he pretended to have, he actually did have. You know the old musicals, love always wins the day.

When I was a little boy, I was often asked to PROVE IT when I would state something. Kids do that to one another all the time. “I can run down the street faster than you.” PROVE IT! And then you have to put your feet where your mouth was. Often, in fact most of the time, my feet would wind up in my mouth and what I was saying didn’t match what I was able to do. Lots of lessons learned on that score.

But the idea of proving things took a radical turn when I was introduced to the Science of Mind. Suddenly it was just the logical litmus test for what I’d been thinking into experience. If I was using my mind correctly, focused on what I wanted in my life, the proof would be in the pudding (my life).

Ernest Holmes wrote, “We can only know as much as we can prove by demonstration.” In other words, if we are willing to take an honest look at our world and see what we have created thus far, we will begin to understand how powerful our ability to demonstrate truly is. He goes on to say “...that which we can prove is most certainly the truth.”

Now, all of this requires that we are absolutely, concretely, and irrevocably able to navigate life from the Truth of our individual self. It means we must be willing to live in our skin and be the witnesses of our self-designed experiences. So... how willing are you to live in your skin? Are you daring enough to look at your life and realize what you’ve been doing with your mind thus far?

This world we live in gives us so many opportunities to escape responsibility for the lives we’re living. We don’t actually escape the consequences of our actions, but we can ignore how they were created. We can pretend that something outside of ourselves is responsible for what’s going on. To this I say, B.S.! Belief Systems are responsible for all that is happening in your life. Everything in your life was designed by you, I said last week in Core Prosperity Relief (CPR). Some people weren’t fond of that idea and wanted there to be special instances where it just wasn’t true. Perhaps, sometimes, life just does what it does, and we get caught in the crossfire. Well, why did you happen to be at the location of the crossfire? As Mae West famously said; “Luck had nothing to do with it.”

Way too often we are looking for ways out of our skin, in order to pass the responsibility to someone or something else. But I’m here to tell you that the more you inhabit your skin, remember who you are, and navigate life from this Truth, the more amazing your life will be. The Universe, God, Love, Life Force, whatever you want to call it, is waiting for you to stand firm in your truth, know who you are and order yourself up a feast of everything and anything you desire. It is ready and able to answer every demand you give it; “...and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

I invite you this week to stand in your skin, know who you are, speak what you require and design whatever you wish to experience from the infinite creativity that is your natural birthright. Why not? You have everything you need right where you are ... no matter what. Remember, there’s no such thing as luck, just the perfect use of your most amazing mind. Try that on for size!


Abundance Is Already Here


My Mind IS The Divine Mind AT ALL TIMES