Enthusiasm is Ageless!

Dr. James Mellon


This coming Sunday, I will be celebrating my 68th year on this planet. Knowing this, and knowing that our theme for September is ENTHUSIASM, I asked myself just how enthusiastic I was about turning 68. I know it’s just another number, but it seems like such a BIG number.

I remember when I was turning 39 and I was a little stressed about stepping into my last year of my 30’s.  Actually, I wasn’t just a little stressed, I was really overreacting to the whole thing. If you ask my husband, Kevin, what it was like when I turned 39, he’ll probably laugh and tell you how I totally screwed up the surprise party he had planned for me by making him so crazy that he told me about the party. Then, true to form back then, I got mad at him for telling me, even though he thought telling me would make me feel better. That was almost 30 years ago, 29 to be exact. 

Since then, I pulled it together, became a minister, founded a Spiritual Center, and raised two children. And now I’m ENTHUSIASTICALLY turning 68. Just when most men my age are thinking of retirement, I decided to take on another Center, for which I am so grateful. Funny how quickly it all rolled out. I still feel as though I’m in my 20’s most of the time and this thing called AGING really hasn’t fazed me. 40 came and went. 50 came and went. 60 was a blast, to be honest. And 70 feels like it’ll be even more exciting than the rest. Why is that?

Well, when you’ve been in this teaching as long as I’ve been, you start to understand that life is always moving forward. In fact, it moves forward, backward, upward, downward and inward as well. This Quantum Field of unlimited possibility is always asking us to step into the “More.” With that in mind how can I let myself worry about getting older when it’s just more time to live and love and dance and sing and find ways to laugh and literally be in awe of what this world has for me to jump into. I can’t really be worrying about growing older if I’m focusing on living in the present moment with ENTHUSIASM and PASSION! I mean, really, wouldn’t that be just a stupid way for me to “Live Life to the Fullest.” I definitely want to celebrate my 68th year in a way I’ve never done before and, to be honest, I don’t know what that is, but I do know I can!

So, help me celebrate this year by taking the ride with me. ENTHUSIASM is ageless ... and so am I ... and so are you. You with me?  Let’s celebrate together another year of nothing short of AMAZING!


The Universe Lifts Us Up


The “Cave” of Enthusiasm