The Embracement: A Secret to Transformation

Francisco Vargas, RScP

Everyone, at some point in their life, encounters aspects of themselves they might label as weaknesses or imperfections. These are facets of our being that we might shy away from, often out of fear. Yet, what if there was a way to transform these perceived weaknesses into strengths? The answer lies in the power of "Expression" through Embracement.

The Power of Embracing

When we talk about embracing, we're not merely referring to accepting or acknowledging our fears. Embracing, in the context of the Science of Mind philosophy, means to fully express and experience these aspects, but we learn to lean into them with a greater understanding of ourselves. It’s an understanding of who we are in relation to the Wholeness of Life.  By doing so, we tap into the universal Law of Love. What greater expression of Love can be done than when we embrace?

Love, as many spiritual traditions and philosophies have emphasized, is a powerful force. When we embrace, we are expressing one of the forms that Love takes. In embracing we draw it close, allowing it to be influenced by our energy and consciousness. This is the power of "Expression" in its purest form, because Love is God in Expression. When we remember who we are, we know that our life is this expression of Love. So embrace, knowing this Spiritual Truth.

Three Ways to Harness the Power of Embracement

  1. Thoughts as Expressions: The mind is a powerful tool. The thoughts we express are shaping our reality and dictating our experiences. The mind never stops thinking, yet whether the experience is positive or negative, conscious thinking is key to changing it, or keeping it as positive. By consciously choosing our thoughts, we direct the energy towards what we desire or intend. Remember this truth: Wherever our thoughts go, there our energy flows. We change our reality when we consciously and purposefully choose our thoughts.

  2. Words as Expressions: Our words are manifestations of our thoughts. Think about it, the first perceivable forms our thoughts take are the vibrations of our spoken word. As we consciously choose our words, we solidify our intentions. The spoken word has the power to crystallize and meet us on the path of our experience. Speak only what you wish to express, and therefore, manifest.

  3. Feelings as Expressions: Our feelings are potent indicators of our internal state. By consciously choosing how we feel about a situation, we can mold our experience of it. Feeling is the secret to transformation. Conscious feeling takes practice so that it can become a familiar feeling, or a desired state of being. Then, we can choose to feel what we’ve practiced. Practice joy, wonder, and success, so that when the time comes, even in the face of adversity, we can choose to use the power of consciously feeling.

 Embracing the Power of Expression

The Science of Mind philosophy teaches us that our life experience is a reflection of our internal state. By embracing the power of "Expression" using our thoughts, words, and feelings, we will transform our reality. Are you willing to see challenges as opportunities? Are you ready to speak your truth and feel the joy of success? The power to transform is within you, waiting to be expressed.

Francisco Vargas, RScP

Francisco Vargas is a practitioner and ministerial student at Global Truth Center.


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